Opinion | Family NZ Herald: So, I bought my son a dumb smartphone Originally published by the NZ Herald on 3/11/24 You may have read a few of my articles expressing…
Family | Community WFH: The Juggle Is Real We're sharing what we've learnt over the past week about how to work with kids at home... aka…
Family | Community It’s not all about you! Here’s why. Now, I realise that subject line may, at first, sound a little aggressive, but I want to share with…
Family | Community Top 5: Kids & Tech Strategies Neither James nor I am against technology or gaming. But, honestly, what I am becoming a little…
Family Mum, are we rich and famous? On one of the last days of our trip to Thailand, Tom turned to me and asked, “Mum are we rich and…
Family How 10 years make 40 I once read somewhere that the average couple spend about 3 hours together per/day. So, while James…
Family | Leadership “Sorry” really is the hardest word In Elton John’s 1976 “Sorry seems to be the hardest word” the lyrics deal to the fact that…
Family The juggling act A few weeks ago, I was listening to a very senior New Zealand business woman speak on how she had…
Family The politics of having children First of all, a quick disclaimer (generally the sign of a good blog post). This post has nothing to…